"The Art of Praise" Contemporary Icons
This collection is a series of panels loosely inspired by Byzantine icons.
The panels are ~2 feet by 4 feet (with one panel 3 feet by 4 feet) on
rusted sheet metal with gold leaf applied and painted in oils. These panels
adorn the sanctuary of St. Stephens Episcopal Church in Belvedere, Ca.

"St. George and the Dragon" 36" X 48"
Oil on Metal
Oil on Metal

"Annunciation" 20" x 48"
Oil on Metal
Oil on Metal

"Lyra" 20" X 48"
Oil on Metal
Oil on Metal

"Baptism of Jesus" 24" x 48"
Oil on Metal
Oil on Metal

"Saviour" 12" X 12"
Oil on Metal
Oil on Metal

"Ascension" 20" X 48"
Oil on Metal
Oil on Metal

"St.Francis" 20" x 48"
Oil on Metal
Oil on Metal

"Pantokrator" 24" x 48"
Oil on Metal
Oil on Metal

"Annunciation Angel" 36" x 48"
Oil on Canvas
Oil on Canvas